We all make mistakes, and unfortunately, mistakes can have consequences. But consequences like a burnt piece of toast or a drained car battery are a lot easier to put right than the consequences of a data security breach. These types of mistakes may be different, but they’re usually caused by the same thing – human error, the cause of 95% of cyber-security breaches in 2021.
It can easily happen, you’re busy thinking of what to have for dinner that night, and before you know it, you’ve clicked on a link in an email you shouldn’t have. Or maybe you’re overworked and overtired and end up emailing payslips or a payroll report to the wrong email address.
When it comes to payroll and complying with GDPR, protecting clients’ data safe can be a minefield. A simple mistake like mistyping an email address, although accidental, could land you in hot water and you could even get slapped with a hefty fine.
Luckily, in our upcoming webinar, you can learn 5 ways to easily avoid data security disasters. We’ll discuss the importance of cyber-security when it comes to your clients’ payroll and what tools can help you stay compliant and keep that important client data safe.
Webinar agenda:
- The importance of cyber-security
- GDPR best practices
- Backup your payroll data to the cloud
- Give clients more control over their payroll data
- Store important reports in a centralised location
- Let employees access payslips and documents from anywhere
- Questions and answers session
The webinar will take place on Thursday, 8th December at 2:00 pm. Unable to join us? No worries. Register anyway and we will send you the recording afterwards.