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Our rebranding journey over the past couple of months speaks to our collective vision it’s a story of transformation, embracing change, and celebrating our new identity. To bring this unified vision to life, we recently worked with Amy Rodger, a local artist based in Warwick, to create four branded paintings that we could add to our office walls. 

Each piece of Amy’s work reflects the vibrancy of our purpose one that unites all of our products, team and values under the one Bright umbrella. Amy was originally commissioned for these paintings based off a purple skyscape painting that she had put up on her social media. This painting was then used as the initial jumping point for the paintings she would then work on for us here at Bright. 

How the idea started 

When it came to generating the initial idea for the paintings, Amy found this to be one of the hardest parts of the process. So, to ease some of the pressure, she approached this starting point in a more playful manner. That way, she allowed ideas to flow more naturally to her, which offered a more creative space to deliver her best work. Once the idea and mockup of what she wanted to create was done, the rest of the process instinctively fell into place. 

€œI started with exploring colour and shape as freely as I could over a range of three or four small paintings, ensuring that I kept my work quick and loose so that I wasn’t able to overthink anything.€ 

The inspiration behind the paintings 

Amy plucked inspiration for these paintings from nature and the world around her particularly skyscape photos with mountains and lakes. She used a range of photo references and explored different colours and shapes. Bright’s brand colours can also be found in sunrises, so it felt like the most natural place to start.

The importance of branding 

When it came to dappling the Bright brand in her paintings, Amy playfully explored the full range of our brand’s colour palette. She analysed how they grouped together, and what would happen if she used them all or just singled out a couple of colours. By creating four pieces rather than just one, she crafted a symphony of ideas, with each piece singing in harmony with the next. 

€œWith those photographs I was able to work into them digitally on my iPad to create a more solid composition and present a wide range of ideas for these paintings.€ 

At Bright, we wanted these paintings to be an extension and reflection of our brand, and Amy has embodied this perfectly. Sunrises often symbolise new beginnings, hopes and ambitions for the future, and this is exactly what these paintings imbue for us. Over the past year, we’ve had a number of changes as a company, including multiple product launches (our company secretarial software, proposal software for accountants, tax and compliance software, and fully cloud payroll software), acquisitions (such as IPASS) and office spaces in the UK and Ireland. 

Our commitment to our brand is stronger than ever, and these paintings are an incredible visual representation of both creativity and community intertwining to illuminate our new path towards a Brighter future.

€œThe range of possibilities and idea generation within the works I feel reflect the Bright brand as a whole.€ 

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