Pull in compliance deadlines from Companies House
Pull clients’ period end dates and deadlines from our Companies House integration, and automatically add them to task lists. Any updates or changes to details in CH can be made. You can set internal target dates for non-compliance work, taking more control over your workload and giving yourself more breathing space.

See what everyone's working on
At a glance, you can view firm-wide task lists, including the client it relates to, who’s responsible, the deadline date, and what progress has been made. So if a client calls and asks about the status of their Self Assessment, you can get the answer in seconds. Tasks are also colour-coded based on how close the deadline is.
Easily prioritise tasks
You can filter and sort tasks by which need your immediate attention, have missing information, or are close to their deadline dates. If you need to chase clients for records, the system can send those emails for you in the background.

Break down tasks into bite-sized pieces
Our Workflow tool lets you break down tasks into smaller pieces called “subtasks”, which offer you a more structured path towards your work. These can be delegated amongst your team, and when someone completes a subtask, the next person to carry on is notified in the system.