Moving from Relate Accounts Production

Are you thinking about switching from Relate Accounts Production to BrightAccountsProduction? Discover everything you need to know about transitioning to BrightAccountsProduction.

BrightAccountsProduction on laptop

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Three reasons to switch to BrightAccountsProduction

Save time

Say goodbye to manual tasks and hello to more productive workdays! Create financial statements for all your clients from one platform with helpful features and integrations to assist you along the way.

Make compliance easy

Stay up to date with compliance requirements effortlessly, navigate the Compliance Database with ease, and have full control over your financial statements with direct editing capabilities.

Customer focused

Customer feedback fuels our progress; Enhanced functionality, additional features, and improved user interface. When we work together, we create a product roadmap that gives you just what you need.

Upcoming webinar:

Moving from Relate to BrightAccountsProduction

Wednesday 7th June, 11:00 am


The Bright Blog

Saying Goodbye to Relate AP (and hello to BrightAccountsProduction)

Saying goodbye to Relate AP (and hello to BrightAP)

With Relate AP scheduled for end-of-life, it's time to look for a quality replacement. In this blog, we compare our cloud accounts production solution, BrightAccountsProduction, to its predecessor. Discover the difference of entity types, features and more.

difference between Relate Accounts Production and BrightAccountsProduction

Feature focus: The differences between Relate AP and BrightAP

With Relate Accounts Production coming to an end this year, it's time to start thinking about a replacement platform. As mentioned in our previous blog – BrightAccountsProduction could be the answer to all your problems.